Medical examination.

The employer is obliged:

  • Send the employee for a medical examination;
  • Do not allow an employee to work without a valid medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to work in this position.

If the employee refuses to undergo a medical examination, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract without notice.

When to conduct a medical examination:

  • Before starting a new job;
  • Changing from an old job to a new one;
  • After changing the nature of the position;
  • After the expiration date of the previous medical certificate;
  • After sick leave, which lasted more than 30 days.

The labor law defines the general rules for carrying out periodic inspections.

The employee must undergo examinations:

  • Every 2 years if the employee is exposed to harmful substances through the respiratory tract;
  • Every 3 years if the workplace has a hot microclimate causing harmful conditions;
  • Every 4 years, if the employee's position is related to computer work;
  • Every 5 years - in other cases.

Inspections are carried out at the expense of the employer on the basis of an order issued by the employer.

The employee is also entitled to reimbursement of travel costs if it is necessary to travel to another place of examination.

Allowing an employee to work without a medical certificate is a violation of employee rights, and also poses a threat to health or life.


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