What are the types of VAT?

If you are wondering which VAT rate to quote when preparing an invoice for your customer, the following is a good place to start:

  • ОО VAT rate for services provided outside the EU.
  • 23% Sales of goods/services in Poland.
    23% applies to all goods/services that do not benefit from a reduced VAT rate.
  • 8% Provision of services of construction, renovation, modernisation, thermo-modernisation, alteration or repair of buildings or parts thereof included in the social housing programme.
  • 5% Sale of goods included in Annex 10 to the VAT Act.
    (Meat, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, cereals, books, nappies, dummies) and others.
  • 0% Supply to the EU, export of goods.
  • zw. If you are not a registered Polish VAT payer and you sell goods/services in Poland.
  • nр. Supply of services to EU customers.


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