How do I update my payer data with ZUS?

The change of payer data concerns:

  • Identification data;
  • Registration data;
  • Address data;
  • Bank account data;
  • Accountant details;
  • Data concerning the conduct of business activity.

In order to update the payer's data in ZUS, you should log in to your ZUS PUE account or by reporting in person to the nearest ZUS office.

As a result of the change of identification data, a ZUS ZIPA document will be created. In the case of a change of business address - a ZUS ZAA document, and in the case of adding additional or changing bank accounts - a ZUS ZBA document.

A change of record, business or accounting data results in the creation of a ZUS ZFA or ZUS ZPA document, depending on whether the payer is an individual or a legal entity.

To change the data, follow a few simple steps:

1. Go to

2. In the top right corner, click on «Zaloguj do PUE»

3. Enter your ZUS PUE login and password or log in under your trusted profile («Zaloguj przez profil zaufany/»).

4. After logging in, select the «ePłatnik» tab in the top right corner.

5. Open the «Płatnik» tab, then select the «Kartoteka» tab.

6. Select the type of data you want to change. On the following tabs, you need to specify the data you want to change (Identification data; Registration data; Address data; Bank account data; Accounting data; Basis of activity data - only for natural payers).

7. Make the necessary changes and complete the document. In the left menu under «Dokumenty» - «Dokumenty robocze», a document will appear as a result of the changes made, which must be verified (button at the bottom «Weryfikuj», followed by the button «Zatwierdź» - the document will go into the «Dokumenty zatwierdzone». Then press the «Wyślij» button at the bottom.

8. Your document will enter the ZUS system and the changes will be made.


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