How do I obtain a certificate of not owing ZUS contributions?

«Zaswiadczenie o niezaleganiu w oplacaniu skladek» is a certificate that states that you do not owe contributions to ZUS.

You can obtain the certificate:

  • By post. You must fill in an application form and send it to the nearest ZUS office;
  • You must go in person to the nearest ZUS office;
  • Electronically, via your ZUS PUE account. Submit the application in person or by proxy.

The certificate of indebtedness to ZUS may be issued in paper form at the institution's branch or may be delivered as an electronic document confirmed by a qualified signature of an authorised person.

A certificate of indebtedness to ZUS will only be issued if the applicant has no arrears on the date of submission of the certificate.

The ZUS office has 7 working days from receipt of the application to review and respond.

The certificate is provided free of charge.


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