What is ZUS and what is it used for?

Literally translated, ZUS is an abbreviation for «Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych» or «Social Insurance Administration».

ZUS is the Polish state agency responsible for pension and health insurance. It is the institution that calculates and pays pensions and other social benefits.

By paying health insurance premiums to the health insurance fund «Składki zdrowotne», you can receive free medical care in hospitals belonging to the NFZ network («National Health Fund»). By paying your premiums, you have the right to go to public health care facilities, providing your PESEL number, so that health care providers verify that you are registered in the ZUS system and are entitled to free health care services.

ZUS is also responsible for, among other things:

  • Calculating and paying pensions for pensioners;
  • Issuing and paying maternity benefits;
  • Disability pensions;
  • Payment of survivors' pensions and other benefits.


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