Office Warszawa
Zygmunta Vogla 28, lok. 02 02-963 Warszawa
Office Trójmiasto
Al. Niepodległości 696, lok. 3.281-853 Sopot

How long does it take to obtain a temporary residence permit?
This is a question that is difficult to answer unequivocally. Consideration of the case must take place no later than within 2 months from the date of its initiation (in the case of a residence permit for the purpose of work) and 3 months (in the case of a residence permit for the purpose of conducting business activity).
Meanwhile, before issuing a decision on issuing a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence permit and a long-term resident's EU residence permit, the competent voivode is obliged to contact the commander of the Border Guard unit, the voivodeship police commander, the Head of the Internal Security Agency, and, if necessary, other authorities, with a request for information whether the foreigner's entry and stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland may pose a threat to the defense or security of the state or the protection of public security and order. The above requirement does not apply to children who are under the age of 13 on the date of submitting the application.
These authorities are generally required to provide the requested information within 30 days of the request for information. In particularly justified cases, the 30-day period may be extended to 60 days. This means that the procedure for issuing a temporary or permanent residence permit takes in practice longer than the basic period.
The dates of obtaining a temporary residence permit may be affected by such circumstances as: