How to make changes to the entrepreneur's data?

The data, that entrepreneurs provide during registration with CEIDG, may change many times in the course of their business. The entrepreneur may, for example, change the address, contact details, expand the scope of activity or, for example, resign from a permanent place of work in favor of mobile work. In such and many other cases, the entrepreneur is obliged to update the data in CEIDG.

An application for a change of data should be submitted to CEIDG (this is the responsibility of the entrepreneur) when there have been changes in the following areas:

  • personal data or citizenship of the entrepreneur;
  • company name (name or surname);
  • address for correspondence, address of permanent place of business, address of residence of the entrepreneur;
  • company contact details (e-mail address, website address, telephone number);
  • subject of activity described by PKD codes, including the dominant PKD code;
  • date of commencement of activities;
  • data of the accounting company and others.

You can make changes to your entrepreneur details online. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

1. Go to the website and click «Logowanie» in the upper right corner.

2. Click «Zaloguj się przez», and then click «Profil zaufany» or «e-dowód»

3. Select the «Zmień dane w CEIDG» service

4. Tick the necessary categories that need to be changed.

5. Then sign the completed application with your «Profil zaufany» and send it to the registry.

Changes will take effect and will be displayed in the register within 24 hours from the date of submission of the request.


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